Freedom of information
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) gives everyone a right of access to information held by Scottish public authorities.
The legislation was extended on 11 November 2019 to include Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) i.e. housing associations.
Grampian Housing Association has been designated as a Scottish Public Authority by an order made under section 5 of the Act, known as the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (Designation of Persons as Scottish Public Authorities) Order 2013.
The aim of the Act is to increase openness and transparency by allowing people to access information from Scottish public authorities to underabout how they work, how decisions are taken, how public services are delivered and how they spend their money.
The legislation applies specifically to the supply of information to the Scottish Housing Regulator in relation to Grampian's “financial well-being and governance arrangements” and “housing services” as defined in section 165 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010. “Housing services” for the purposes of the application of FOISA to Grampian are defined as:
• Prevention and alleviation of homelessness
• The management of housing accommodation let under a Scottish secure tenancy or short Scottish secure tenancy
Some activities which are carried out by RSLs are not included in the scope of the legislation, these activities are:
• Care
• Mid-market rent
• Factoring
• Shared Ownership