The Scottish Social Housing Charter came into effect on 1 April 2012. Find out more by reading the Scottish Social Housing Charter.
The Charter sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords, including Grampian Housing Association, should aim to achieve.
Grampian Housing Association is accountable to its tenants and other customers for how well we perform. To help you understand our performance, an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) is produced. Each year this will be reported to you by the end of October. More information is available in our latest 2023 Charter Report to tenants.
This is the Scottish Housing Regulator’s (SHR's) latest landlord report for Grampian Housing Association letting you know how we performed in 2023/24. The SHR has also published a guide for tenants and service users about how it regulates. SHR How we regulate - A guide for tenants and service users [pdf] 198KB
In addition, Grampian will be agreeing with tenants the ways in which our performance will be self-assessed. We will also be developing our tenant scrutiny. This could involve tenants in activities such as:
If you would like more information on how you can get involved in the assessment of Grampian Housing Association’s services, or just want more information on the Charter, please email getinvolved@grampianhousing.co.uk or phone 07500 083297.
Through NETRALT (North East Tenants Residents and Landlords Together) the Association is also working with residents and landlords locally to make sure that the service improvements you and other tenants and residents want are made.